Perimenopause / Menopause Awareness


What causes the symptoms?

  • Decrease in ovarian hormone production, mainly estrogen.

Symptoms/changes to expect during menopause.

  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Weight gain (from 5-20 lb)
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Urinary incontinence
  • Decrease in libido
  • Irritability/moodiness
  • Changes in hair and skin texture

Metabolic changes during menopause (what is happening inside the body)?

  • Change in body fat distribution favoring gain in abdominal fat
  • Decreased lean muscle mass
  • Insulin resistance
  • Changes in lipid panel (increase in bad cholesterol and decrease in good cholesterol)
  • Increased risk of heart disease
  • Decrease in bone density

Recommended lifestyle, dietary changes, and supplements:

  • Decrease consumption of caffeine, spices and alcohol helps to decrease the intensity of hot flashes
  • Consume a diet rich in protein
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables
  • No/very less added sugar and processed food is very important to prevent excess weight gain and ensure good metabolic health
  • Adequate and good quality sleep (7-8 hours) is very important
  • Mindfulness and relaxation activities like yoga, meditation, Tai chi
  • Regular physical exercise program is very important to help bone health, stress management and insomnia
  • To preserve bone mass, make sure to take adequate calcium (1200 mg from diet and supplement combined) and vitamin D
  • Over the counter supplements like black cohosh, soy isoflavones, evening primrose oil are sometimes helpful for the same (these are not FDA approved).
  • Regular health check-ups and age-appropriate screenings like bone density scan, mammogram, pap smear and colonoscopy

Role of an Endocrinologist:

  • Your Endocrinologist can help you during this time of change, with hormonal and non-hormonal medications, to ease the transition.
  • Not all medications are safe for all women, this needs to be personalized. Also, appropriate dosing is important to avoid side-effects and ensure your safety.

Dr. Neha Lalani at Bluebonnet Diabetes & Endocrinology, striving to give high quality, comprehensive and personalized care for Menopause to patients. Book your appointment today by visiting our website at or call us at (512) 387-4224.